Vertix Remote Carbon 27H Battery

269.990 kr.

Freedom to Roam. Power to Dominate.

From tee to green, the VERTX provides an unrivalled experience. Manoeuvre the course with complete confidence and the freedom to play your best game. Battery lasts 27 holes.

Á lager

Síminn Pay Léttkaup
18.917 kr/mán
(m.v. 18 mán)

18 mán.

Miðað við 18 greiðslur á 18% vöxtum.

Aðeins 5.98% lántökugjald og 755 kr. færslugjald á mánuði.

Árleg hlutfallstala kostnaðar: 37.23%.

Heildarkostnaður: 340.501 kr.

Vörunúmer: 0100643792 Flokkur: Brand:


Attached to the Game. Not Your Bag.

The complete remote experience gives you the power to play your own game on the course. No compromises. Ever.

Performance Redefined

With over two years of development the VERTX has revolutionised the game. Featuring groundbreaking Remote technology, the all-new VERTX is primed to enhance your game.

Active Terrain Control

A world first in golf. ATC provides golfers the ultimate control everywhere on course. Uphill, downhill and on uneven terrain. The VERTX is locked in.

All-New Cortex Chip

The most powerful chip ever fitted to a remote control golf trolley. The Cortex chip introduces Active Terrain Control allowing feats never seen before.

Small But Mighty

Engineered to be mighty on the course but small everywhere else. Perfect for those with limited space.

Ultimate Control

Use the compact handset to operate the machine while on course. Featuring secure Bluetooth connectivity, the handset gives you complete and consistent control throughout your round.

With up to a 50m range, you don’t need to constantly nurse your trolley around the course.

Bluetooth Connectivity 50 Metre Remote Range Adjustable Cruise Control USB Charging

SmartPower Battery

The next generation of lithium battery that you can connect to your smart phone.

Golf Ball on Tee icon

27 Hole Capacity (optional)

Are you an endurance golfer? Not to worry. With our new SmartPower battery, you can keep playing for longer.

Battery icon

Plug & Play Connection

Forget about connecting up battery leads: our battery slots quickly and easily straight into the trolley.

Bluetooth Connectivity icon

Bluetooth Connectivity

Monitor your battery from your smartphone: just connect via Bluetooth.

SmartPower Battery App

Never get caught out on the course again. With our new SmartPower battery and app, you can quickly get an update of power consumption and charge level.

Bluetooth Connectivity

Simply connect your phone via the Stewart Golf app and check the battery.

Power Updates

Never be caught out on the course. Use the app to receive real-time battery usage.

Battery Health Checks

Stay informed with your trolley and perform health checks from home.

Free of Charge

No hidden charges. It is on the App Store and Google Play ready to download.