
55.990 kr.

Dynamic new styling, new colours and new organisation attributes only add to the re-designed Pioneer’s appeal and versatility. We’ve lengthened both secondary apparel pockets (four apparel total), added a multi-use zippered pocket, added full velour to a valuables pocket and relocated select pockets to maximise efficiency. Stacked with storage potential in 14 pockets, the Pioneer organises with a 15-way top offering over-moulded grip handles.

Síminn Pay Léttkaup
(m.v. mán)


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Heildarkostnaður: kr.

Vörunúmer: 0100640025 Flokkur: Brand:


  • 15-Way Top

    Keep your clubs evenly dispersed so they’re easy to find and replace in this 15-way top with a spacious putter well.
  • Cart-Strap Channel

    A convenient cart-strap pass-thru channel allows your bag to be secured while keeping all 14 pockets accessible.

Nánari upplýsingar


RED/BLK, RED/NVY, Grey/Wht, Blk, Blue/Blk, Nvy/Red