Orange Whip

24.990 kr.

The Orange Whip has been voted the #1 Teaching and Training Aid by PGA and LPGA Professionals for a reason – It’s the best!  The patented, counterbalanced, flexible shaft swing system provides the necessary feedback to train your swing to stay on plane, balanced, and powerful.  Swing it next to other swing trainers and you can feel the difference immediately.

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Patented Design

Three key components make up the patented design of the Original Orange Whip Trainer.

  • Patented Counterbalance
    • The patented Orange Whip counterbalance provides the necessary feedback to train your swing to stay on plane, balanced, and powerful. Swing it next to the others and you can feel the difference immediately.  The counterbalance stabilizes your swing from the start through the finish.  It’s essential in providing critical, immediate feedback on whether your golf swing is on plane and if you are loading and unloading the golf club properly.
  • Weighted Orange Ball
    • The orange ball replaces the club head and allows you to focus on swinging naturally without worrying about the position of the club face. It’s weighted to promote a fluid swinging motion rather than a jerky hitting motion.
  • Flexible, Whippy Shaft
    • The flexible shaft allows you to create lag in your golf swing as you keep the club on plane through impact. All great player create lag which creates power and distance.

Instant Feedback

Any wobble in your swing indicates a need to improve tempo, balance, and swing plane. Receive instant feedback that you can feel and correct with each swing.

Train Your Athletic Golf Swing And Get Ready To Play

The proprietary flexible shaft coordinates the rhythm between your arms, upper body, and lower body. Swing over and over to develop your own tempo and balanced swing for consistent shots on the golf course. Warm-up and get loose and get ready to play or practice.

Made In The USA


LightSpeed Trainer

Increase swing speed by up to 20% instantly. Every golfer wants to hit the ball farther and to accomplish that you need more swing speed without sacrificing rhythm, timing and balance.  The Orange Whip LightSpeed was designed specifically to increase your club head speed while maintaining control.


Do you need more speed so you can hit it farther?  Does it seem like the harder you try the shorter you hit it?  Every golfer wants to hit the ball farther and to accomplish that you need more rhythm, balance and SPEED.  The Orange Whip LightSpeed was designed specifically to increase your club head speed while maintaining control.  Feel, see and hear your swing getting faster with the correct functional movement patterns and sequences.

Patented Design

Three key components make up the patented design of the Orange Whip LightSpeed.

  • Weighted Orange Ball
    • The smaller orange ball and lighter weight of the LightSpeed lets you feel, see and hear your swing get faster and your sequence improve.
  • Patented Counterweight
    • The patented counterweight balances the Orange Whip, stabilizing your swing from the start through the finish.  It’s essential in providing critical, immediate feedback on whether you are loading and unloading the golf club properly.
  • Flexible, Whippy Shaft
    • The flexible shaft allows you to create lag in your golf swing as you keep the club on plane through impact. All great player create lag which creates power and distance.

Stan Utley Wedge

The Orange Whip Wedge is the result of the collaboration between the developer of the Orange Whip, Jim Hackenberg, and world-renowned short game expert Stan Utley. The Wedge will develop your ability to swing the club and impact the ball with consistency and improve your margin for error. The wedge combines the Orange Whip counterweighted flexible shaft system with a Stan Utley inspired wedge head to help you maximize your short game around the greens and lower your scores.


“Every golfer should possess the skills to play each short game shot with confidence and success. I am certain that by training with the Orange Whip Wedge and the Orange Whip Putter Blade, golfers will improve their short game skills and lower their scores.”

~ Stan Utley, Short Game Expert & PGA Tour Winner

Every golfer knows they could lower their scores by playing better and being more consistent around the greens. The Orange Whip Wedge combines all of the same aspects that you love about the Orange Whip Trainer and has brought them to the short game. We’ve combined the Orange Whip flexible shaft and counterweight system with a Stan Utley inspired 56 degree wedge head. The Wedge was designed to hit shots from 25 yards and in to help you maximize your short game shots and enhance your creativity around the greens. Stan and Jim have developed the Orange Whip Wedge to help you improve your short game and improve your scores around the green.

Rhythm Training

Find your short game rhythm and sequence by allowing the Wedge club head to swing freely from your wrists, elbows, shoulders and body. It will help you find your sequence.

Impact Training

Good rhythm and sequence leads to solid contact. Allowing the Wedge shaft to load and unload at the correct time will help you make solid contact more consistently.

Distance Training

Solid contact and rhythm gives you the ability to control your distance. The Wedge will train you to chip and pitch your ball on your intended landing spot and predict the runout to have your ball end up close to the hole.

Trajectory Training

Flighting your shots and controlling the runout allows you to be more creative around the green. You will learn to develop and better feel for chips, pitches, bunker shots, and flop shots around the green.

Orange Whip Putter Blade

The Orange Whip Putter Blade will help you develop a consistent, repeating, pure putting stroke.  Develop the feel to lag the ball close and eliminate those dreaded three putts.  Make it part of your golf routine and you will hole more putts.


“Every golfer should possess the skills to play each short game shot with confidence and success. I am certain that by training with the Orange Whip Wedge and the Orange Whip Putter Blade, golfers will improve their short game skills and lower their scores.”

~ Stan Utley, Short Game Expert & PGA Tour Winner

Great putters all have a consistent, repeating tempo to their stroke that stays the same on all lengths of putts. Some use a long, flowing stroke and others a shorter, quicker stroke. What all great putters do the same is maintain the same tempo and timing on every putt, and they make center contact with the ball rolling it end over end on their intended line.

The Orange Whip Putter Blade is engineered to improve your tempo and improve center contact with the ball. When the putter swings and impacts the golf ball, the energy is transferred through the golf ball to the sweet spot to produce perfect, end over end roll. The weight of the putter head combined with the patented Orange Whip counterweight, flexible shaft system allows you to feel the swinging motion and balance of your putting arc. The uniquely designed, dual-sided spherical putter head can be used right or left-handed.

Three key components make up the design of the Orange Whip Putter Blade.

Dual-sided Spherical Putter Head

The dual-sided spherical putter head teaches center contact with the ball and provides instant feedback on sweet spot contact along your intended line.


The counterweight balances the Orange Whip Putter Blade, stabilizing your stroke from start to finish. It’s essential in providing critical feedback on tempo, timing and balance in your stroke.

Flexible, Whippy Shaft

The whippy shaft promotes tempo and rhythm in your putting stroke by creating the perfect pendulum-like motion. Making contact with the golf ball at the lowest point of the arc will deliver the most energy to the sweet spot and creates ideal end over end roll of the golf ball.

Nánari upplýsingar


Midsize, Compact, Trainer, Wedge, Putter
