Monsoon Cart Bag

64.990 kr.

Specially built to spare you from soggy equipment, the Pioneer Monsoon cart bag brings water-repellent construction, six seam-sealed pockets (12 altogether), including ventilated mesh slip pockets and, because you still have to stay hydrated in the rain, the beverage pocket is handy.

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Vörunúmer: 0100643285 Flokkur: Brand:


  • 15-Way Top

    Keep your clubs evenly dispersed so they’re easy to find and replace in this 15-way top with a spacious putter well.
  • Illustration of Pioneer cart bag cart strap channel

    Cart-Strap Channel

    An innovative cart-strap pass-thru enables you to secure the Pioneer Moonsoon bag to a cart without blocking access to any of the 12 pockets.

Nánari upplýsingar


Blk/Grey, RED/BLK, Yel/Blk, Blue/Blk