Evertine Rain Pant

29.990 kr.

Secure a smooth round with these weather protective golf trousers. With their performance enhancing features, they are designed to make sure nothing stops you in your tracks. This style features sealed seams to stop any rain getting in and are windproof to keep you safe from any strong breezes. The moisture wicking properties and 4-way stretch make for a comfy feel from the first hole, through to the last.
Síminn Pay Léttkaup
(m.v. mán)


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Vörunúmer: 0100637457 Flokkur: Brand:


- Logo at upper left leg
- Lined pockets
- Waterproof and windproof
- Sealed seams
- Moisture wicking
- 4-way stretch

Nánari upplýsingar


Nvy, Blk


L, XL, XS, S, M