Chrome Soft Loyalty Pack

23.880 kr.

The Callaway Chrome Soft sets a new standard for tour balls; from the core’s gradually increasing stiffness levels to the updated aerodynamics to the high-performance urethane cover, every aspect of Callaway’s latest premium offering has been optimized to deliver superior performance.

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Vörunúmer: 0100644584 Flokkur: Brand:


Pack includes 48 golf balls
Triple Track lines improve alignment and accuracy
New Hybrid Fast Soft Core engineered to generate the most speed with Callaway’s best compression and material properties
New Seamless Tour Aero produces a more consistent ball flight on every shot
New high-performance Tour Urethane Soft Cover provides increased spin and outstanding greenside control with incredible feel
Industry-leading Precision Technology meticulously measures the ball through more than 100 million proof points for the most consistent performance

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