
49.990 kr.

It already set itself apart as a super-light cart bag and the re-designed Traverse weighs in a half-pound lighter at a trim 5.5 pounds. It’s offered in fun new colour combinations too, plus it features two new outer magnetic slip pockets among 11 total, including full-length apparel pockets and a velour-lined valuables pocket. Another cool feature: the insulated cooler pocket. Keeps your set tidy in the padded 14-way top with two putter wells.

Síminn Pay Léttkaup
(m.v. mán)


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Vörunúmer: 0100639330 Flokkur: Brand:


  • 14-Way Top

    A padded, roomy 14-way top gives every club individual attention and protection and simplifies organisation.
  • Cart-Strap Channel

    This convenient strap pass-thru keeps your bag secured to a cart without blocking access to any of the 11 pockets.

Nánari upplýsingar


White/Navy, BLK/WHT, Blk/Gry, RED/BLK, Navy/Wht, G Le2, Roy/Blue, Plat/Nvy, Gre/Yel, G Le3, Grey, Blóma