Srixon Pencil Bag

21.990 kr.

The Srixon Pencil Bag is a lightweight and functional golf bag designed for convenience on the course. It features a 5-way divider top to keep clubs organized, three zipped pockets plus an additional pocket for storage, and an umbrella holder for all-weather play. A separate hood provides extra protection, while the double shoulder strap ensures comfortable carrying. Made from durable nylon, this sleek black and red bag weighs just 1.65 kg, making it an excellent choice for golfers seeking portability and efficiency.

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Vörunúmer: 0100646942 Flokkur: Brand:


  • 5 way divider top
  • 3 zipped pockets + 1 additional pocket
  • Umbrella holder
  • Separate hood
  • Double shoulder strap
  • Material: Nylon
  • Weight: 1,65kg
  • Colour: Black/Red

Nánari upplýsingar


Navy Red