Putting Bar

11.990 kr.

Sink more putts with the PUTTING BAR! Many missed putts come excess hand and arm action resulting in a poor stroke, distance and direction. The Putting Bar is an ergonomically shaped putting bar that slides under the arms and allows the player to feel the connection between the triceps and chest, encouraging the larger muscles to control the stroke and helping you develop feel and consistency. Try the bar when chipping around the green as well, perfect for players that don’t use their torso and have uncontrollable hand and wrist motion. Best of all, it’s small enough to be stored in your golf bag and used at any time!

Using this bar will benefit golfers of all abilities by:

  • Increasing coordination of the arms and body
  • Training a rocking motion using the larger muscles
  • Creating more stability in the path and face of the putter
  • Allowing the player to develop a consistent feel
  • Starting the ball on line
  • Producing consistent distance control

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