Org 14 HD

59.990 kr.

Experience the unmatched performance and upgraded storage with our NEW ORG 14 HD cart bag – built for golfers who demand only the best. A 14-way Shaft Shield™ rubber overmold top, seam-sealed 10K waterproof fabric, and fully-waterproof zippers, means this bag offers superior organisation and protection to help you to your best round ever!

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Features & Benefits

14-Way Shaft Shield™ Rubberized Dividers
LOWRIDER™ Trolley Compatibility
Backlined Waterproof Valuables Pocket
Insulated Cooler Pocket
Electric Battery Pouch
10K Waterproof Fabric + Fully Seam-Sealed

Nánari upplýsingar


Blk, Blk/Lgry/Red, BluP/Lgry, RedP/Lgry