
19.490 kr.

Mona-C is a pair of capri pants which are perfect for the warm and sunny days on the golf course. The trousers are made of a functional material which is temperature regulating and breathable. They ensure good comfort throughout the round and throughout the day. It has Capri length, which goes to just below the knee.

Síminn Pay Léttkaup
6.920 kr/mán
(m.v. 3 mán)

3 mán.

Miðað við 3 greiðslur á 18% vöxtum.

Aðeins 1.78% lántökugjald og 95 kr. færslugjald á mánuði.

Árleg hlutfallstala kostnaðar: 43%.

Heildarkostnaður: 20.761 kr.

Vörunúmer: 0100633503 Flokkur: Brand:


  • 3x DRY Cooler
  • Breathable
  • Temperature regulating 
  • Quick drying
  • Water repellent
  • 93% polyamide, 7% elastane