
Koko Hoodie

Original price was: 44.990 kr..Current price is: 17.996 kr..

For an elevated basic, the Koko women’s hoodie is effortlessly sleek and minimalistic. This premium blended cashmere hoodie features Greyson’s signature contrast tipping on the left sleeve and a ribbed knit hem and sleeves for added comfort.

Síminn Pay Léttkaup
(m.v. mán)


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Vörunúmer: 0100642249 Flokkur: Brand:


The Koko Women’s Hooodie is an elevated basic that deserves a dedicated spot in your wardrobe. Effortlessly sleek and comfortable, this premium blended cashmere printed hoodie features Greyson’s signature contrast tipping on the left sleeve. It is a staple in every modern wardrobe, and transitions effortlessly throughout your lifestyle. Finished with a ribbed knit hem and sleeves for added style and comfort.

Nánari upplýsingar


Shepherd, Scarlett, Forest


XS, S, M, L, XL