Tour360 BOA Junior

15.990 kr.

Competition-ready golf shoes made in part with recycled and renewable materials.
Help your young golfer feel their best. Confidence and style come naturally in these adidas Tour360 golf shoes. Made for tournament play and rising young golfers, they wrap kids’ feet in premium materials and feature leading-edge footwear technology for top-level performance. A micro-adjustable BOA® Fit System activates the internal 360Wrap for enhanced hold and support. Bounce midsole cushioning adds full-round comfort for walking, and a waterproof microfiber leather upper seals out wet greens. Elevate their game with golf shoes that inspire playing their best.

Síminn Pay Léttkaup
5.678 kr/mán
(m.v. 3 mán)

3 mán.

Miðað við 3 greiðslur á 18% vöxtum.

Aðeins 1.47% lántökugjald og 95 kr. færslugjald á mánuði.

Árleg hlutfallstala kostnaðar: 43%.

Heildarkostnaður: 17.033 kr.

Vörunúmer: 0100644272 Flokkur: Brand:


  • Regular fit
  • Micro-adjustable dial-based BOA® Fit System
  • Waterproof microfiber leather upper
    360Wrap support
  • EVA sockliner
  • Bounce midsole
  • Six-cleat Adiwear outsole