G440 Max HL Driver

99.990 kr.

G440 High Launch (HL)
To help slower-swing-speed players generate speed, higher launch and distance, HL drivers are engineered with an aluminium back weight, 46″ PING Alta Quick shaft, and a Lamkin UTx Lite grip.

Síminn Pay Léttkaup
(m.v. mán)


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Free Hosel, Low CG
Weight removed from a section of the hosel is reallocated to help push mass lower to create our lowest CG ever, aligning it closer to the force line for more distance and fairway-finding forgiveness.

Hotter, Thinner Face
A lower face height allows us to make the face thinner and hotter for more ball speed and consistency across the clubface, including the high heel region.

Pleasing Sound
A Carbonfly Wrap crown saves weight, which is reallocated to help lower the CG, ensure forgiveness and contribute to a more muted, pleasing sound at impact.

Shot Shaping
A 29-gram back weight ensures forgiveness and can be adjusted into the draw, fade or neutral position to influence shot shape and trajectory.

Trajectory Tuning 2.0
The lightweight, 8-position hosel enables adjustments for loft (±1.5°) and lie (up to 3° flatter than std.) to further dial in ball flight for the best results.

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