G440 HL Hybrid

49.990 kr.

High Launch (HL) Hybrids
The HL hybrids help you swing faster and launch the ball higher and farther to reach more greens and stop the ball close, relying on an aluminum back weight, PING Alta Quick shaft and Lamkin UTx Lite grip.

Síminn Pay Léttkaup
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Free Hosel, Low CG
Weight savings from the new Free Hosel and Carbonfly Wrap crown help lower the CG and ensure forgiveness with tight dispersion.

Pleasing Sound
The Carbonfly Wrap saves weight, which is reallocated to help lower the CG, ensure forgiveness and contribute to a more muted, pleasing sound at impact.

High Launch, Fast Face
A shallower face helps you make contact higher on the face and launch the ball higher. The thinner face and optimized face profile help increase ball speed in the middle of the face and control ball speed on off-center strikes.

Contoured Sole Design
A slimmer back-weight profile ensures the club sits more flush and the face angle remains consistent, no matter the loft or lie setting in the adjustable hosel

G440 High Launch (HL)
To help slower-swing-speed players generate speed, higher launch and distance, HL hybrids are engineered with an aluminum back weight, 46″ Alta Quick shaft, and a Lamkin UTx Lite grip. Available 3H thru 7H.

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