FlexTech Crossover

47.990 kr.

Whether you walk, ride or push, you should never have to adapt to your golf bag. FlexTech Crossover is the essence of versatility. Ready and waiting with your golf clubs in tow whether you set your bag down in the fairway, park your golf cart on the path or wheel your pushcart onto the tee. No matter how you play the game, this bag makes it seamless to approach your next shot without distraction.

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Vörunúmer: 0100646844 Flokkur: Brand:


14-Way Top
A 14-way top golf bag is a convenient and practical option for organizing your clubs while you play. The compartments keep your clubs separate, reducing the chance of damage and making it easier to find the club you need quickly. It’s a simple but effective addition that can improve your experience on the course.

Cart Strap Passthrough
Safely secure your clubs to the cart the next time you cruise for 18. The cart strap passthrough will hold your bag in place and prevent it from sliding while also helping to minimize club rattling.

Easy Chill Cooler Pocket
The enhanced cooler pocket provides insulated storage for food or drinks during your round, helping you stay nourished so that you can perform your best.

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Black, Grey