Chase Dry Stand

39.990 kr.

The Chase Dry 25 Stand Bag is built for performance in any condition. Designed with a 4-way top for streamlined club organization, it features a backlined waterproof valuables pocket and an oversized apparel pocket for maximum storage. Crafted from ultra-durable 3K waterproof fabric with waterproof zips, this lightweight bag keeps your gear protected without weighing you down. Added features like the velcro glove patch make it a reliable companion from the first tee to the 18th green.

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Vörunúmer: 0100646952 Flokkur: Brand:


Features & Benefits

  • 4-Way Top
  • Backlined Waterproof Valuable Pocket
  • Lightweight Construction
  • Velcro Glove Patch
  • Oversized apparel pocket
  • 3K Waterproof Fabric with Waterproof Zips

Nánari upplýsingar


Black, RED/BLK, Grn/Camo, Nvy/Yellow