Carry Plus

24.990 kr.

he Callaway Carry+ Stand Bag ’25 is the perfect lightweight companion for golfers who prefer to walk the course without sacrificing functionality. Designed for convenience and durability, it features 3-Way Shaft Shield™ Rubberized Dividers to protect your clubs, micro stand legs for stability on any terrain, and an adjustable mesh pocket for quick-access storage. Keep your valuables secure with the velour-lined pocket, ensuring your essentials stay protected while you focus on your game.

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Vörunúmer: 0100646958 Flokkur: Brand:


Features & Benefits

  • 3-Way Shaft Shield™ Rubberized Dividers
  • Micro Stand Legs
  • Adjustable Mesh Pocket
  • Velour Lined Valuables Pocket

Nánari upplýsingar


Black, Navy/White