Ai One Silver

44.990 kr.

The Odyssey Ai-ONE Silver putter features an AI-designed insert with a White Hot urethane striking surface for consistent ball speed. It includes a Panlite window showcasing the insert design, a lightweight SL 90 shaft with counterbalance weighting, and interchangeable sole weights for customization. The blasted silver finish gives it a premium look.

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Ai-ONE Insert
Designed using Artificial Intelligence, we’ve created contours on the aluminum backer of the insert to promote consistent ball speed across the face. We’ve co-molded a grooved White Hot urethane layer into that aluminum backer for the classic White Hot feel that Tour players and amateurs love.

Ai Window
Our designers and engineers developed a Panlite® window, which is a unique automotive grade polymer, that allows us to showcase the unique topology of the back of the insert.

SL 90 Shaft
A lightweight steel shaft with 20-30 grams (depending on the grip) of counterbalance weight in the butt end. This is an evolution of our Stroke Lab Weighting that will appeal to even more golfers.

New Beautiful Blasted Silver Finish Option
We have taken our most popular models of Ai-ONE and are making them available in a beautiful new silver finish that is classic and premium.

Interchangeable Front Weights
Available in 5, 10, 15, and 20 grams these removable weights allow you to dial in your head weight to your exact preference.

Nánari upplýsingar


#1 CH, #1 DW, #7 DB, #7 SL


33, 34, 35