Ai-One Cruiser

49.990 kr.

The Jailbird CRUISER is a classic Odyssey shape that made a major splash on Tour last year. This version has a 380 gram head and is built at 38” with a 17” grip intended to be choked up on. This configuration makes this face balanced putter extremely stable. This putter features our Ai-One insert with an aluminum backer and White Hot urethane striking surface and our new SL 140 Stroke Lab steel shaft.

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Vörunúmer: 0100644417 Flokkur: Brand:


Mens Ai-ONE Cruiser Jailbird DB Product Specs

Model Head Type Loft Availability Standard Length Lie Toe Hang Head Weight
Jailbird Mallet RH / LH 38.00″ 70.0° 380g

Nánari upplýsingar




2B Jailb, Jailb